Sunday, August 6, 2023

Tape vs Cloud Backup: Making an Informed Choice for Data Protection

The importance of data backup cannot be emphasized in the digital age, where information rules supreme and organizations depend on a continual stream of data for their operations. Safeguarding vital information from unplanned disruptions becomes an urgent concern as the amount of data collected keeps increasing. In this environment, the tried-and-true tape backup method and the cutting-edge cloud backup options have both emerged as rivals for the title of best data protection.

Tape backup, with its roots tracing back to the early days of computing, has a storied history of safeguarding information. In contrast, the advent of cloud technology has ushered in a new era of data management and protection. This article aims to delve deep into the intricacies of these two approaches, tape and cloud backup, shedding light on their respective strengths and weaknesses. By the end of this exploration, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the tape vs. cloud backup debate, enabling them to make an informed choice that aligns with their specific data protection needs.

Understanding the fundamental differences between tape backup and cloud backup is essential as we set out on this adventure through the worlds of data preservation. It is crucial to analyze how each strategy functions, consider its advantages, and balance its disadvantages because each one offers particular benefits and addresses particular problems. The decision between tape backup and cloud backup goes beyond technical considerations since data is the lifeblood of modern businesses. It is crucial for guaranteeing uninterrupted operations, protecting sensitive data, and boosting corporate resilience in the event of adversity.

Join us as we set out on a mission to unravel the mysteries of tape and cloud backup, looking at their functions in disaster recovery, effects on business continuity, and prospects for sustainability. We will keep an eye on the future as we make our way through these areas, speculating on the trends and developments that could impact the data protection landscape in the years to come. Readers will be better prepared to navigate the complex web of data backup alternatives if they are well-informed and have the authority to make wise decisions. This will help them protect their most important asset by making sure it is secure, accessible, and resilient even in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Tape Backup:

Since the dawn of the computer era, tape backup has stood as a stalwart guardian of data, preserving critical information through decades of technological advancement. Rooted in a time when magnetic tapes were the primary means of storage, this method has weathered the storms of innovation and retained its relevance in an age dominated by cloud computing and digital storage solutions.

Tape backup's journey begins in the mid-20th century, when computers relied on magnetic tapes to store and retrieve data. It offered a practical solution for archiving large volumes of information, enabling organizations to safeguard their records with a physical medium that could be stored offline, away from potential digital threats. As technology evolved, so did tape backup, with advancements in tape formats, compression techniques, and storage capacities. These developments allowed organizations to scale their backup strategies while adhering to stringent data retention requirements.

Tape backup boasts several distinct advantages that have contributed to its enduring appeal. One of its foremost strengths lies in offline storage. By storing tapes in a controlled environment away from the network, organizations safeguard their data from cyberattacks and malware that often target online repositories. Additionally, tape backup is renowned for its cost-effectiveness. The initial investment in tape hardware and media is generally lower than other solutions, making it an attractive choice for businesses with budget constraints. Moreover, the durability of tape media ensures that data remains intact for extended periods, even in adverse conditions, making it a reliable choice for long-term archiving.

However, the landscape of data backup has evolved significantly since the inception of tape technology, and this traditional approach is not without its limitations. One notable drawback is the slower data restoration process compared to modern alternatives. Retrieving data from tape can be time-consuming, especially when compared to the near-instantaneous access provided by cloud solutions. Additionally, tape backup requires manual management, necessitating physical handling and transportation of tapes for offsite storage, which can be cumbersome and prone to human errors. Moreover, the physical nature of tape media leaves it susceptible to damage from factors such as temperature fluctuations and moisture, potentially compromising the integrity of stored data.

While tape backup has faced challenges in the modern era, it continues to find relevance in specific use cases. Industries with stringent compliance regulations often turn to tape backup for its ability to meet long-term data retention requirements. Sectors like healthcare, finance, and government rely on tape technology to ensure data preservation and regulatory compliance. Furthermore, tape backup serves as a dependable choice for organizations with vast data repositories, offering an economical means of archiving data that is infrequently accessed but must be retained.

Tape backup stands as a testament to the enduring value of established technologies in an ever-changing digital landscape. While cloud backup and digital storage solutions have emerged as compelling alternatives, the reliability, cost-effectiveness, and regulatory compliance capabilities of tape backup continue to make it a relevant choice for certain organizations. As businesses navigate the intricate tapestry of data backup options, they must weigh the strengths of tape backup against its challenges and limitations. By doing so, they can harness the legacy of this time-honored method to preserve their data heritage while embracing modern innovations to ensure robust and comprehensive data protection.

Cloud Backup

In an era defined by the rapid evolution of technology, cloud backup has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing the way organizations safeguard their critical data. The advent of cloud computing has heralded a new paradigm in data management, one that leverages the power of remote servers, automated processes, and on-demand scalability to reshape the landscape of data protection.

At its core, cloud backup involves the secure storage of data on remote servers operated by third-party providers. This approach offers a myriad of advantages that have propelled it to the forefront of modern data protection strategies. One of the most compelling benefits of cloud backup is its seamless automation. Data is automatically backed up at scheduled intervals, eliminating the need for manual intervention and reducing the risk of human error. This automation ensures that data remains consistently protected, freeing up valuable time and resources for organizations to focus on their core operations.

The scalability of cloud backup stands as a testament to its versatility in accommodating the evolving storage needs of businesses. Unlike traditional tape backup, which requires physical storage media that can become limited over time, cloud backup offers virtually limitless scalability. Organizations can effortlessly adjust their storage capacity as their data requirements grow, ensuring that critical information is always accessible and protected. This scalability proves invaluable in the face of data growth, a common challenge in an age of rapidly accumulating digital assets.

One of the paramount concerns in data backup is security, and cloud backup has made significant strides in this realm. Reputable cloud providers employ robust encryption mechanisms to safeguard data during transmission and storage, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized access. Additionally, cloud backup can help organizations address compliance requirements more effectively. By storing data in geographically diverse data centers, cloud solutions mitigate the risks associated with localized disasters and enhance overall data resilience.

In a world characterized by remote work and global connectivity, cloud backup provides a compelling solution for data accessibility and collaboration. Cloud-stored data can be accessed from virtually anywhere with an internet connection, facilitating seamless collaboration among remote teams. This accessibility enhances productivity and streamlines operations by allowing authorized personnel to retrieve and work with critical data in real-time, regardless of their physical location.

While cloud backup offers a host of benefits, it is not without its challenges. The reliance on internet connectivity for data retrieval may pose limitations in areas with unreliable or slow network connections. Moreover, concerns related to data sovereignty and privacy may arise, particularly for organizations operating in regions with stringent data protection regulations. Organizations must carefully assess the security measures, compliance certifications, and data handling practices of potential cloud providers to ensure alignment with their unique requirements.

Cloud backup's impact on the data protection landscape is undeniable. As businesses navigate the digital horizon, the agility, automation, and accessibility of cloud backup present a compelling case for its adoption. By embracing the cloud, organizations can future-proof their data protection strategies, ensuring that their most valuable assets remain shielded from harm and accessible whenever and wherever needed.

In the subsequent sections of this article, we will delve further into the comparative analysis of tape and cloud backup, shedding light on their respective performances in crucial areas such as data restoration speed, cost implications, scalability, security, ease of management, disaster recovery, and business continuity. Through this comprehensive exploration, readers will gain a holistic understanding of the considerations that underpin the tape vs. cloud backup debate, empowering them to make informed decisions that align with their specific data protection needs and aspirations.

Data Restoration Speed and Accessibility
One of the fundamental criteria for evaluating backup solutions is data restoration speed. Cloud backup often holds the advantage in this aspect, as it enables rapid data retrieval due to its digital nature. In contrast, tape backup may involve longer retrieval times, especially when physical tapes need to be located and transported. This distinction can be critical during downtime scenarios, where quick recovery is imperative to minimize disruptions.

Cost Implications
When it comes to cost, both tape and cloud backup solutions have distinct considerations. Tape backup generally boasts a lower upfront cost, making it an attractive option for businesses with budget constraints. However, cloud backup's subscription-based model eliminates the need for significant upfront investments and allows organizations to scale their storage needs over time. The total cost of ownership for each method depends on factors such as data volume, hardware maintenance, and long-term storage costs.

Scalability and Flexibility
Scalability is a cornerstone of modern data management, and here, cloud backup shines. The cloud's inherent scalability accommodates the dynamic storage requirements of businesses, allowing them to seamlessly adjust storage capacity as data volumes grow. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for organizations experiencing rapid expansion or fluctuating data demands. In contrast, tape backup may face limitations due to the physical nature of storage media and the need for additional hardware as data grows.

Security and Privacy
Security and privacy are paramount concerns in the digital age, and both tape and cloud backup solutions have made strides in addressing these issues. Cloud backup providers often implement advanced encryption mechanisms to protect data during transmission and storage. Compliance certifications and adherence to industry regulations contribute to bolstering cloud security. Tape backup's offline storage offers a level of isolation from cyber threats, but physical theft or damage could still compromise data security. Choosing between the two methods depends on an organization's risk tolerance and the sensitivity of the data being backed up.

Ease of Management and Accessibility
Cloud backup streamlines data management with automated processes, reducing the need for manual intervention. Administrators can monitor and manage backups remotely, enabling efficient resource allocation. The cloud's accessibility from any location with an internet connection enhances collaboration and data availability. Tape backup, on the other hand, demands more manual effort for management, handling, and transportation, potentially leading to administrative challenges and longer recovery times.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Disaster recovery and business continuity are critical aspects of data protection. Cloud backup's remote storage and redundancy across data centers contribute to enhanced disaster recovery capabilities. In case of hardware failures or natural disasters, data can be swiftly restored from alternative locations. Tape backup's reliance on physical media could result in delays during disaster recovery efforts, especially if the tapes are stored in a single location.

Environmental Impact
Environmental considerations have gained prominence in recent years. Cloud backup, while energy-efficient due to shared infrastructure, requires data centers that consume substantial power. However, advancements in renewable energy adoption and data center efficiency measures are positively impacting the environmental footprint of cloud solutions. Tape backup, though energy-efficient, relies on physical tapes that contribute to electronic waste over time.

Future Trends
Looking ahead, the landscape of data backup is poised for further transformation. Hybrid backup solutions that combine the strengths of both tape and cloud backup are emerging, providing organizations with the ability to balance cost-effectiveness, scalability, and data retrieval speed. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into backup strategies holds the promise of predictive analytics, enhancing data protection and optimizing resource allocation.

In the tape vs. cloud backup debate, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Each method presents a unique set of advantages and challenges, catering to different business needs and priorities. Tape backup, with its reliability and offline security, continues to find a niche in industries with stringent compliance requirements. Cloud backup, on the other hand, embraces the digital era's agility, scalability, and accessibility.

As organizations navigate this landscape, it is crucial to consider factors such as data volume, recovery time objectives, budget, and security concerns. By carefully weighing these considerations, businesses can tailor their data protection strategies to ensure robust security, rapid recovery, and uninterrupted operations. In a world where data is the currency of progress, the tape vs. cloud backup decision becomes an integral part of an organization's journey towards resilience, innovation, and sustained success.

Monday, July 31, 2023

How to Protect Your Gmail and Google Photos Content from Deletion: Google's Inactive Account Policy Update

Google is adopting a huge policy update with its astonishing user base of 2 billion users of Google Photos and 1.8 billion users of active Gmail accounts. Google will delete dormant accounts starting in December 2023 for security reasons. The specifics of Google's inactive account policy, the reasons behind its purging of dormant accounts, and the steps users can take to save their emails, images, and other content from being destroyed are covered in this article.

Google's Inactive Account Policy: Understanding the Change

Ruth Kricheli, Google's vice president of product management, clarified that the amended inactive account policy covers all Google products, including Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Calendar, and Google Photos, and applies to accounts that have not been used or signed into for at least two years. Before any deletion takes place, the account and material deletion process will be meticulously carried out, with several notices given to the account email addresses and recovery emails, if provided.

Reasons for Purging Inactive Accounts

Google's move to delete dormant accounts is mostly motivated by security concerns. Long-term inactive accounts are more vulnerable to compromise since they have weak passwords and don't employ two-factor authentication (2FA). Compared to active accounts, abandoned accounts are at least 10 times less likely to have 2FA enabled. Google recommends using a password manager and turning on 2FA for all accounts to address these security issues.

Password Manager and Two-Factor Authentication: Enhancing Security

Utilizing a password manager is crucial for creating strong and unique passwords for each account. Storing passwords in a password vault protects them, and it only requires remembering a single master password. Additionally, some password managers offer the option to choose between a long random string of characters and a passphrase comprising several random words for added convenience. When selecting a password manager, it's essential to choose a reputable and secure service that encrypts data and provides account-specific secret keys.

Enabling 2FA adds an extra layer of protection to accounts. Third-party applications like Google Authenticator or Authy are recommended to separate the 2FA mechanism from the password manager. Even better, using a hardware authentication key can provide a higher level of security.

Protecting Your Gmail and Google Photos Content from Deletion

There is no need to be concerned if you have used your Gmail or Google Photos account within the last two years. The accounts that are created but never used again will be the first to be deleted. You can stop multiple accounts from being deleted if you log into them at least once per two years if they have been inactive for longer than two years. The account will also be marked as active if you send or read emails, conduct a Google search, use Google Drive, watch a YouTube video, or download an app from the Google Play Store.

Recovering Forgotten Accounts

Google offers a mechanism for account recovery for individuals who might have forgotten about some accounts. Google will issue a verification code if you enter the recovery email address or phone number connected to the account in order to recover it. Users who retrieve their passwords can then create a new one to protect their account and its contents.


Users must comprehend the ramifications and take appropriate action to safeguard their content as Google gets ready to implement its inactive account policy modification in December 2023. Users can avoid having their Gmail and Google Photos content deleted by using a password manager, turning on two-factor authentication, and keeping their accounts active. The secret to maintaining a safe and uninterrupted online experience with Google services is to be educated and proactive.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

NCC Issues Warning Against Unapproved Phones in Nigeria

In a recent announcement, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has raised concerns about the use of unapproved mobile devices in the country. The commission highlighted the potential dangers that these devices pose to users and has taken steps to sensitize dealers and sellers to avoid engaging in the sale or purchase of unapproved phones. This article delves deeper into the NCC's warning, the potential risks associated with unapproved devices, and the approved phones list recently updated by the commission.

The Dangers of Unapproved Devices:
NCC has firmly emphasized that the use of unapproved mobile devices can significantly impact users' experiences while also making them susceptible to financial losses and other discomforts. Unapproved phones may lack the necessary quality standards, leading to issues such as poor performance, shorter lifespan, and security vulnerabilities. The commission's Head of Enforcement, Mallam Salisu Abdu, expressed concern over the rampant presence of counterfeit and non-approved phones in the market, which calls for immediate action to protect consumers from potential harm.

NCC's Sensitization Drives:
To tackle the issue at its root, the NCC has initiated sensitization drives to inform cell phone dealers and sellers about the importance of avoiding unapproved devices. Emilia Nwokolo, the director of the Consumer Affairs Bureau of the Commission, stressed that seeking approval from NCC before importing telecom devices is crucial to ensure that the products meet the required standards. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant fines and legal consequences for sellers caught dealing with unapproved phones.

List of Unapproved Phones:
As part of its commitment to ensuring consumer safety, NCC has updated the list of unapproved phones. The models identified on this list are deemed unfit for sale and use in Nigeria due to various reasons, including quality and compliance issues. Some of the brands and models on this list include Gionee G800, Gionee L990, H-Mobile it5606+, H-Mobile H351, FoxKong F30, FoxKong F300, KGTEL K2160, and KGTEL KG1100. Consumers are urged to be cautious and avoid purchasing these devices to safeguard their interests and experiences.

NCC's Approved Devices List:
In contrast to the unapproved devices, the Nigerian Communications Commission has an extensive list of approved phones that have met the required standards set by the commission. As of January 2023, approximately 1,891 mobile phones are endorsed for sale and use in Nigeria. The commission continues to evaluate and update this list periodically, and in January 2023 alone, they added 70 new phones, bringing the total close to two thousand. These approved devices come from various reputable brands and offer users a guarantee of quality, performance, and security.

The NCC's warning against unapproved mobile devices serves as a crucial reminder for consumers, dealers, and sellers to prioritize safety and quality. Unapproved phones pose significant risks to users and may lead to financial losses and discomfort. The commission's proactive approach in sensitizing the market and updating the approved devices list demonstrates its commitment to ensuring a secure and satisfying mobile experience for all Nigerians. By adhering to the guidelines set forth by the NCC, users can make informed decisions while purchasing mobile devices and enjoy a seamless communication experience without compromising their safety and well-being.
Source : dailystrust

how to make your batteries last longer

In the fast-paced digital age, a smartphone is an essential companion that keeps us connected, informed, and entertained. However, its usefulness is limited if its battery life is short-lived. To ensure your phone stays alive longer and remains at your disposal when you need it most, I'll be discussing ten effective methods to optimize and extend your battery's performance.

1. Dim the Brightness for Enhanced Efficiency

One straightforward way to conserve battery power is by reducing your phone's screen brightness. Lowering the brightness level not only eases strain on your eyes but also lessens the energy demand on your battery, leading to prolonged usage without compromising functionality.

2. Power Down When Not in Use

It's a common habit to leave our phones idle when we have no immediate use for them. However, turning off your phone when you don't expect any calls or have no tasks at hand can be a smart move. By doing so, you prevent background processes from draining your battery and maximize standby time.

3. Embrace the Power Save Mode

Modern smartphones come equipped with a power-saving mode, a built-in feature that automatically optimizes various settings to reduce energy consumption. Enabling this mode ensures that your phone prioritizes battery life over certain non-essential functionalities, keeping it active for longer periods.

4. Unleash the True Power of Airplane Mode

In areas with weak network signals, your phone works harder to maintain connectivity, leading to rapid battery depletion. By activating airplane mode in such situations, you minimize the strain on your phone's radio components, significantly extending battery life.

5. Eliminate Unnecessary Connectivity

Wi-Fi, GPS, data connections, and Bluetooth are convenient features, but they can drain your battery at a swift pace. Switch them off when not in use to conserve energy and only enable them when necessary to ensure your battery serves you throughout the day.

6. Part Ways with Vibrations

While haptic feedback adds a tactile element to your smartphone experience, it also consumes extra power. Disabling vibrations, especially for notifications and touch responses, can make a considerable difference in extending your phone's battery life.

7. Resist the Gaming Temptation

Mobile gaming may be a delightful escape, but graphically intensive games can be a significant drain on your battery. When trying to conserve power, consider sacrificing gaming sessions or limit them to times when you have access to a charger.

8. Harness the Power of Dark Themes for OLED Screens

If your phone boasts an OLED, AMOLED, or SUPER AMOLED screen, using dark mode can be remarkably beneficial. Dark themes allow inactive pixels in dark areas of the display to be turned off, conserving power and enhancing overall battery life.

9. Tame Your Camera Usage

The camera and flashlight are known power-hungry components. Reducing camera usage and turning off the flashlight when not needed can prevent unnecessary battery drain, ensuring you have enough power for essential tasks.

10. Monitor Battery Usage and Optimize Apps

Keep a close eye on your phone's battery usage through the settings menu. Identify apps that consume an excessive amount of power, especially those you rarely use, and consider closing or uninstalling them to preserve battery life.


By implementing these ten strategies, you can significantly extend the life of your smartphone's battery, ensuring it remains vibrant and reliable when you need it most. Taking small, conscious steps to optimize your phone's energy consumption will lead to longer usage periods, reduced charging frequency, and an overall improved mobile experience. So, let's embrace these battery-saving practices and stay connected for longer without running out of power.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Top 10 search engine 2023

A search engine is a powerful tool that enables users to explore information across various websites on the internet. Google, the undisputed leader, dominates the search engine realm, commanding the highest market share globally. In this blog post, we shall present the top 10 search engines of 2023, unveiling their unique features and contributions to the digital landscape.

1. Google Search

Launched by Google LLC in 1997, Google Search has achieved unparalleled success, capturing a staggering 92.41 percent market share, solidifying its position as the world's most widely used search engine. What's more, Google Search supports over 149 languages, ensuring accessibility for a vast global audience.

2. Bing

A product of Microsoft, Bing serves as the runner-up in the search engine competition. Introduced on June 3, 2009, Bing has garnered a market share of 2.46 percent. In addition to its search capabilities, Bing offers users various services, including image, web, and video search, as well as maps.

3. Yahoo Search

Founded on March 2, 1995, with its headquarters in California, Yahoo Search stands as a close contender to Bing, claiming a market share of 1.48 percent. Interestingly, Yahoo Search is now powered by Microsoft's Bing search engine, resulting in similar search results. Yahoo also provides email services and other internet-related offerings.

4. Baidu

Emerging from China in January 2000, Baidu holds the distinction of being the largest search engine in China. With a global market share of 1.3 percent, Baidu primarily focuses on delivering search results for websites, audio files, and images. Additionally, it offers services like maps, news, and cloud storage.

5. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo differentiates itself by prioritizing user privacy, catering to those who wish to avoid targeted advertisements based on their search history. Founded in 2008 and headquartered in Pennsylvania, United States, DuckDuckGo has attained a market share of 0.6 percent.

6. Yandex

As Russia's leading search engine, Yandex occupies a significant position in the market with a share of 0.55 percent. Established in 1997, Yandex offers an array of services, including cloud-based storage through Yandex Disk. The name "Yandex" is derived from "Yet Another INDEXer."

7. Ask presents a unique approach by providing a question-answering platform for users. Founded in June 1996, with headquarters in Oakland, California, USA, delivers responses from both the web and real people.

8. Naver

Hailing from Korea, Naver enjoys widespread popularity within its home country. In 1999, it became Korea's first web portal to develop and implement its own search engine, making it a significant player in the Korean search market.

9. AOL

An acronym for America Online, AOL served as a dominant web portal and online service provider based in New York City. While it enjoyed early prominence, AOL eventually ceded its popularity and dominance to the likes of Google over time.

10. Seznam

Seznam, predominantly popular in the Czech Republic, was founded in 1996. Though Google has since surpassed its reach even in the Czech Republic, Seznam has carved out a niche in providing financial, social, and political news, along with TV programs, dictionaries, maps, and weather forecasts.

In conclusion, these top 10 search engines shape the digital landscape, catering to diverse user needs while advancing technological frontiers. As the internet continues to evolve, search engines play a pivotal role in facilitating information discovery and knowledge dissemination for users worldwide.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Infinix zero 5G 2023

One of the top smartphones in Infinix's lineup is the  Infinix Zero 5G 2023. The secret to this smartphone's impressive feature set, stylish appearance, and durable build is its processor, which is packed with power and seamlessly integrates with improved software.

Design and Build

The body of the Infinix Zero 5G 2023 is made of sturdy plastic. Its design, which features four cameras and an LED flash aligned linearly with curved edges, radiates refinement. The vertical inscription at the bottom is adorned with the Zero 5G with pride. With a weight of about 201 grams and dimensions of 168.7 x 76.5 x 8.9 mm, this phone manages to be both substantial and thin.


The 6.78-inch HD+ IPS LCD panel's aspect ratio of 19.5:7 and resolution of 1080 x 2460 deliver a vivid visual experience. The device's outstanding screen-to-body ratio of 84.6% enables improved display capabilities. Whether you enjoy watching movies, playing video games, or using social media, this display is sure to give you an immersive viewing experience.


The front-facing camera is housed in a dot notch at the top corner of the display. The back camera module, on the other hand, has a lineup of four cameras as well as an LED flash. While the front-facing camera has 16 megapixels, the main rear camera has an astounding 50 megapixels. A 2.0 depth sensor further guarantees depth in each shot. The Infinix Zero 5G 2023 makes it simple to take beautiful pictures because to its camera arrangement.

Software and Hardware

With Android 12 and XOS 12, the Infinix Zero 5G 2023 offers a flawless user experience right out of the box. The octa-core processor in this phone, which has two cores clocked at 2.6 GHz and the other four at 2.0 GHz, offers quick operations and multitasking. It is supported by a Mali-G52 MC2 GPU and the MediaTek MT6877V Dimensity 1080 chipset. These specifications guarantee seamless performance across programs and games when combined with 8GB RAM. The enormous 256GB of internal storage provided by Infinix, which is further extendable through a microSD card, ensures that you will never run out of room for your digital needs.

Infinix Zero 5G 2023
NetworkGSM / HSPA / LTE/5G
2G bandsGSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - SIM 1 & SIM 2
3G bandsHSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100
4G bandsLTE band 1(2100), 3(1800), 7(2600), 38(2600), 39(1900), 40(2300), 41(2500) 
SpeedHSPA 21.1/5.76 Mbps
OS And Hardware
OSAndroid OS, v 12, XOS 12
ProcessorOcta-core 2x2.6 GHz Cortex-A78 & 6x2.0 GHz cortex-A55
ChipsetMediaTek MT6877V Dimensity 1080 MediaTek Dimensity 920(6nm)
GPUMali-G68 MC4
Dimensions168.7 x 76.5 x 8.9 mm (6.64 x 3.01
 x 0.35 in)
Weight201 g (7.09 oz)
Colorscoral orange,pearly white and sublime black
TypeIPS LCD,  120Hz ,500 nits (peak)16M colors
Screen Size6.78 inches (~84.6% screen-to-body ratio)
Resolution1080 x 2460 pixels (~396 ppi pixel density)
Protectionnot specified
SensorsAccelerometer, Proximity, Compass, fingerprint (side-mounted)
Card slotmicroSD, up to 128 GB
Internal256 GB
Primary(triple)50 MP, f/1.6 ,(wide)PDAF 2MP,(macro) 2MP,(depth) autofocus, LED flash
FeaturesGeo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, panorama ,Quad-LED flash
Secondary16 MP, f/2.0 (wide) with dual-LED flash
Music playYes
RadioFM Radio
Alert typesVibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
3.5mm jackYes
Battery and Power
TypeRemovable Li-po 5000 mAh battery
Stand-by42 Hours
Talk time24 Hours
Releasing Date
Announced2023, December
StatusReleasing on 2023, December
Expected Price
US Dollor$210
Bangladeshi TakaBDT15,000
Indian Rs.Rs. 13,000

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